Fire Department Training

Training of the Haw River Fire Department provides firefighters with constant operational training. Firefighters receive a variety of general training courses including driver operator training, SCBA, equipment, general firefighter practices, natural gas emergencies and hazardous material operations just to name a few.

Also our firefighters are required to maintain up to date practices on subjects such as homeland security and terroism programs which are offered through FEMA.  Some of these courses are now required for all firefighters.  Arson investigation, gang related incidents, and helicopter landing zone operations for helicopter transport are also necessary for our daily operations.

Live Burn training is also conducted whenever we get the opportunity. There is no better way for new recruits to get actual hands-on live firefighting training in controlled situations; not to mention the fact that even the old veterans are in a never ending learning process and benefit as well.

Training is never complete for a firefighter! New technologies and methods of operation create a constant need for training whether in the classroom or on the fireground. The Haw River Fire Department and our staff strive to maintain a high level of skill through our training process so that we may offer our citizens the highest level of response possible.  Below you can link to just a few pictures of some of our training.

View our Fire Department Training Photo Gallery.

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